The Kastner's Stuff
The Kastner's web site features these pages where you'll find interesting information about
the current Great Kastner, his likes and dislikes, thoughts on various
subjects, his heirs and other fascinating information.
A note on the images that appear on the site. For browsers that support it you can click any image
to view it full sized in a
secondary window
- The Kastner
- Some background on the current Great Kastner, who he is and where
he's been.
- Claiming The Great Kastner title
- Of all the Kastners how is B.S.
recognized as The Great Kastner?
- Image of The Kastner
- Digitally enhanced image of The Great Kastner
- Kastners through History
- The abridged listing of Kastners of old.
- The Kastner Speaks will be coming
soon but not just yet.
- Thoughts of The Great Kastner on various subjects.
For now it's just a link you can click on, there's nothing to see yet.
- TheKastner's Privacy Policy
- What we do with all the information gathered as you view the pages of this site.
- Disclaimer Page
- Read it, and don't say we didn't warn you.
- Broken Link
- Just what the name suggests
Last Update, 26 March 2004. More Stuff will be coming Soon