An abridged listing of

Kastners through History

Just another monument to a Kastner

While Hughes and Smiths were still crawling out of the primordial muck and Seielstads were discovering fire was hot Kastners were raising monuments to their Great Kastner like the ruins of the one pictured on the left.
These links lead to listings of some of these early Kastners and their accomplishments.
There are many other examples just like these, and more of them will be added as time and resources permit. In the mean time try a Google search for Kastner for more information. If you find a particularly good one send the link and the reasons you think it should be added to the Webmaster at , maybe he'll add it.

B.C. Kastners
Some of the earliest known Kastners, from cave drawings to the Hellenistic period of Rome.
1-500 A.D.
Begins with a Kastner hanging out with the apostle Paul and ends about the time the Temple of Zeus is destroyed.
500-1000 A.D.
This period begins with the Christianization of Athens and continues to the founding of the Great Lavra.
1000-1400 A.D.
Starting with the conquest of Bulgaria and ending at the Battle of Kosovo Polje.
1400-1800 A.D.
From bringing the Renaissance to Italy to Napoleon I halted in his progress to cross the Alps.

For the story of the current Great Kastner you can follow This Link.

Last Update, 26 March 2004         More history will be coming Soon

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