B.S. Kastner, The Great Kastner

Kastner's have been instrumental throughout history.
In every age of mankind there have been Kastners leading the way. Emperors, kings, philosophers, great thinkers and teachers of every discipline for the masses to look up to and attempt to emulate.

In the early 1950s another of these was born.
It might have been apparent to his family from the moment of his birth that he would be The Kastner of the 21st century. The story goes that when the attending physician held him up and slapped him he slapped the doctor back. No man is allowed to treat The Kastner with such crudeness and familiarity.

His childhood was spent in the same pursuits as many other children.
But of course with the atypical Kastner flair, style and unmatchable brilliance. The arts played a part in his well rounded early development. The picture here is of the young Kastner leading his dance class.

A young B.S leading his dance class

Duty Calls and The Kastner answers.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s The Kastner served his country with distinction. Shown here, the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard stands at parade rest while in formation during a full honors ceremony honoring the visiting Great Kastner USN, conducted at the Washington Navy Yard's Navy Museum.
U.S. Navy photo by Chief Photographer's Mate Johnny Bivera. (RELEASED)

Full military honors for The Kastner, USN

A premature announcement by Reagan

The Post war years found The Kastner again asked to serve his country.
In 1980 Ronald Reagan won the Republican Presidential nomination and chose the Great Kastner as his running mate. The picture on the right is a rare photo of the Reagans announcing B.S. as his running mate. Unfortunately for the country, because of family responsibilities, the offer had to be declined. The soon to be President Reagan then chose Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush to fill in for The Kastner. Voters troubled by inflation and by the year-long confinement of Americans in Iran swept the Republican ticket into office. Reagan won 489 electoral votes to 49 for President Jimmy Carter. Who knows if Carter would even have gotten a vote if The Kastner had not bowed out?

Presently The Great Kastner can be found as the Leading Database Administrator and Unix System Administrator at a corporation headquartered in north Georgia. His wife has been influenced by the Kastner greatness and is a recognized leader in the local Boy Scouting community and a charter member of their homeowner's board of directors.
The Kastner has three sons but it isn't yet apparent which will become the next Great Kastner, although B.S. thinks it will be A.K. the Youngest, who is also known as TOK.

Last Update, 26 March 2004.

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