How can I claim the title of The Great Kastner?
If you've read the history pages for both Kastners through history and me you
know how important Kastners have always been for civilization. And the google
search for Kastner elsewhere on this site lists many leading physicians,
university professors and business leaders, all Kastners. So with
all this how can I claim the title of The Great Kastner or the simpler variation
The Kastner? Simple, I alone of the Kastners
display all those attributes, some of which are listed above, that combine to let men recognize
The Kastner.
Emperors, kings, philosophers, great thinkers and teachers of every discipline and especially
the masses need someone they can look up to and attempt to emulate. There is one person in
the world that fills that need, B.S. Kastner, The Kastner.
Years ago I recognized this in myself.
But out of respect for my father I did not make the claim until after he passed on. I am a
fully mature male Kastner in the prime of my life and I don't
believe there is another Kastner in the world who is my equal or
who can show a better claim to the title of Great Kastner than I.
If any other Kastner wants to try, make yourself known to me. I
can be reached by email at .
Non-Kastners of course can not even be considered for the title. That's just a fact of life so
please keep all flames to yourself. Or better yet direct them at the parents who brought you into
the world as an non-Kastner.
A note on web addresses.
There are other kastner.$whatevers both already registered and available for registration. There are
also thekastner.$somethings that are still available. is an example. These are minor
things. I am The Kastner of the World . The dot US is not the world and
I have no interest in it or anyone who registers it and tries to claim what is mine by birth, the right
to be called The Great Kastner.